ReRailAmerica We Solve Your Problems
We Solve Your Problems
24 / 7 / 365
Emergency Response !
Emergency Response Needed!
When the Ohio River is approaching springtime flood stage, there is little you can do but move valuable/ sensitive items to higher ground. But what do you do if you derail 3 cars containing Hydrochloric Acid (1789 ) on a spur that will be under the expected flood stage?
ReRailAmerica was the solution! Arriving on scene early evening we worked well past midnight to lift the cars, pull the rail back together and place the cars back on the tracks. In the morning the track contractor Fritz-Rumer-Cooke, spiked the rail down and the switch crew was able to gently pull the string of cars to higher ground, just before the rising flood waters.
ReRailAmerica provided an economical, quick, effective solution to a potential environmental disaster!